McDonald's adverts

In the first video, you can see that one of McDonalds aims is to bring people together.

Firstly, they use rap/ grime music to engage younger watchers as this is something which most people listen to. It then goes through some of what some generations would be doing in their daily life, hanging out with friends for the younger generation, and for the older man he is just getting on with his life, ending his own business and doing what he enjoys.

Before this, an establishing shot is used to show that McDonald's could be set up anywhere and is available for everyone to go to.

There are a lot of close ups in this advert and this shows how the people are feeling throughout their day. The older man never seems to smile anywhere else in this video apart from at the end when he catches the eye of the younger boy and he smiles for the first time, showing that McDonald's is bringing people together.

At one point in this advert you can see the older man looking down off of his balcony, this is a medium shot of him, and by this it emphasises that he has authority over the younger people as he is literally looking down on them.

In the second video, we can see that McDonald's is saying everything which they do and try to sell themselves as a company very well.

Also, there are young children signing in this advert, and they are singing the praises of McDonalds and this emphasises to parents that they should take their children there as the will enjoy it and there will be no issues. The rhythm to this video is very happy and cheery which entices people to want to go to McDonalds.

Similar to the other video, there are a lot of close-ups which shows facial expressions of people who are either in McDonalds or who are travelling to McDonalds and it shows that there are all very happy and excited to be where they are.

Within this video, there are also some medium- long shots which establish where people are, also known as an establishing show. This shows that everyone is at McDonalds and that they are happy to be there which is reinforced by the happy singing tune and by people's facial expressions.


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