Vance Joyce- Riptide, Is this video Post Modernism?

Is this music video postmodern?

Postmodern media rejects the idea that any media product or text is of any greater value than another. All judgements of value are merely taste. Anything can be art, anything can deserve to reach an audience, and culture ‘eats itself’ as there is no longer anything new to produce or distribute. The distinction between media and reality has collapsed, and we now live in a ‘reality’ defined by images and representations – a state of simulacrum. Images refer to each other and represent each other as reality rather than some ‘pure’ reality that exists before the image represents it – this is the state of hyper-reality. All ideas of ‘the truth’ are just competing claims – or discourses and what we believe to be the truth at any point is merely the ‘winning’ discourse. Postmodernism is also said to reflect modern society's feelings of alienation , insecurity and uncertainties concerning identity, history, progress and truth, and the break-up of those tradition like religion, the family or, perhaps to a lesser extent, class, which helped identify and shape who we are and our place in the world. Artists like Madonna, Michael Jackson and David Bowie are all cited as examples of postmodernism in the ways in which they have created or re-created different identities for themselves.

HyperrealityProposed by the philosopher Jean Baudrillard, hyperreality is the shift from texts that reflect an external reality to reflecting one in which reality is false or exaggerated. A reality which is based on a reality which is not real.
This is evident in the Vance Joyce music video because the is a woman throughout the music video who becomes more and more upset and the woman has make-up which gets smudged over her face.

Dystopian Narratives- Narratives become dystopian or negative, downbeat. Often the "bad" guys win or everyone dies. Often these texts suggest a lack of hope in the future (also includes flattening of effect) In Riptide, there is progress of a woman who gets more upset y something which happens, which the viewer doesn't know what it is, but she is also relating to the lyrics, 'taken away to the dark side' this is what she seems like she wants to happen.

Intertextuality - If there are no ideas left out there, steal your ideas from other media or reflect them in your texts. The problem with this is that is can only make sense if you've seen what it's referencing. Pastiche, parody, homage are part of intertextuality. This can be seen be sen because there is a scene where there is a cut from a western/ cowboy movie set.


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