Historical and social contexts

žKey Terms:

Editorial philosophy- The practical application of the editorial philosophy, detailing the specific content of the magazine, how much emphasis will be given to each area, the editorial/advertising ratio, and the number and names of the of continuing departments.

žPsychographic- Psychographics can be defined as a quantitative methodology used to describe consumers on psychological attributes. Psychographics has been applied to the study of personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles.

žSub-genre- a subdivision of a genre of literature, music, film, etc.

Socialisation- the process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable to society.

Distribute readings:

Rise of consumerism-
when the war ended, woman magazines entered a new phase.

ž1960s Sexual Revolution-
new era of female liberation, the contraceptive pill was introduced. Woman had a greater degree of financial independence.

ž1960’s Cultural Revolution-
'swinging sixties'- emergences in the new trends in music, fashion an films. Britain was the centre of this cultural revolution.

žIn what ways could the introduction of the contraceptive pill be seen to have a revolutionary impact on women’s lives?

They would be able to have more casual sex and may not want to have children, then they will like this idea, as they do not have to worry about having children or getting any illnesses.


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