Miss Representation

1. How are women portrayed in the media? Are there differences between the different media platforms? Make reference to the following media platforms TV (news and reality TV) and film

For the majority of the time, woman are objectified and their bodies are used as objects. This can be seen in many examples, such as when presenting the news, acting, in a music video or even just seen walking around in the streets. This is mainly down to what the media has represented what is 'right' for women.

Woman are taught to continuously dress in a certain manor to be looked at by others in a certain way, or by the way they look. For example, there was an actor who got the role in a TV show, but they directors asked er to get botox, and this is so the TV show would be 'better' to watch; this was not needed and is a perfect example of how woman are objectified by the media. In movies, woman are rarely the main character.

2. How are men represented in the media?

In the media, men are represented as strong and brave humans, who needs to show that they are masculine for them to 'fit in'. This in unfair towards them, as not all men will find it easy to fit into a certain category and will put down some of them. Most men are seemed to be powerful, ad if they are not then they may be picked on or even bullied because of this.

In TV shows and in films, men are always shown to be the main character, and this is unfair towards woman as there is no reason as to why they shouldn't be put as the main character.

3. What role did the media play after WW2?

When men were at war, a lot of woman filled the jobs of men in factories, and when the men came back they were instantly fired from these jobs and food it tough to get another job, leading to most of them becoming 'house-wifed' again.


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