Jessica Ennis magazine cover

In what ways can we use van Zoonen and hooks’ theory to understand the representation of Jessica Ennis in Podium Magazine? 

Firstly, we can see that Jessica Ennis is being set out to be quite bold and striking. From her costume, there is a sense of her wanting to be seen, by her wearing gold in the first three pictures. The stuff she is wearing does not represents more of a feminine side as these items, I presume to be, are women's clothes. This contradicts with the theory of van Zoonen as he says that gender is not fixed, in this photo Jessica Ennis is portrayed as a woman which is wearing women's clothes, this represents that she feels like she has to be dressed like this to show everyone herself and to impress the media. 

With hooks' theory, he feels that everyone should be equal and he agrees with feminism, and this is not accurately shown in these photos since she is portrayed to be dressed like a woman and wear lots of makeup to make her look more like a woman, and if you compare this to a male magazine on the front cover then they would be in a different outfit. Usually they would be shown in action, i.e. so wearing sports gear.


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